Privately And Social Services Funded Residents

All residents must be assessed before they move in, to ensure that we can meet their needs, having said this is normally done after the potential resident or family member looking on their behalf, has decided on a home that they like.

Privately Funded Residents:

  • If the potential resident has more than £23,250 in assets, including owning their own home or any other property, then they will have to pay for their own care, until their funds fall below this level
  • Many potential residents own their own home, but do not have £23,250 in cash in the bank, in these cases they will usually need to go through the Local Authority (LA), in our case usually either Hampshire County Council (HCC) or Southampton City Council.
  1. If the LA agrees that the resident needs to be in a care home, they will arrange for a 12 week property disregard which means that the LA will pay our fees less the assessed client contribution for that period. The idea here is that the property can be sold in 12 weeks, then the resident will take over self funding. Our understanding is that this does not need to be repaid.
  2. If the property is not sold within the twelve week period outlined above, then usually the LA will agree to enter into a deferred payment agreement which means that the LA will continue to pay our fees, however once the property has been sold, then those fees will have to be paid back to the council. This is effectively a loan.
  3. Once the Residents funds deplete to under £23,250 then the LA should take overfunding, having said that you should contact them well in advance to approaching this figure as the wheels within Social Services tend to turn very slowly.

Social Services Funded Residents

  • If a resident does not have £23,250 in assets and they meet the Local Authority’s (LA) needs criteria, i.e. The LA agrees that this person needs to be in a care home, then they will fund the residents stay in our care home, less what is known as the client contribution*

*Client Contribution: The client contribution is the amount that Social Services have assessed via the FAB Team, that each resident must contribute towards their fees. The FAB Team will look through the residents financial records and decide what their weekly income is, which could comprise of state pension, private pension, dividends, etc. and then nearly all of this will be taken by Social Services towards our fees. They do leave the resident with a small amount of funds for personal expenditure, currently around £22 per week.

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